Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Graham Dolphin 27.01.2015

Lecture Notes:
  • Alternative titles 
  • Everyone knows this is nowhere 
  • day dream nation 
  • life goes off 
  • please note our failure 
  • waiting on a dream 

Originally from Stafford born 1972
Art Foundation 1990 - 1991 
BA Fine Art Painting - Bath University 1991 - 1994 
One art gallery along with two cinemas nearby when growing up, art to him was boring black and white text books with poorly produced photographs. This was his culture. 

Rented a VHS player and watched a lot go unmoderated movies as a child; Dr. Killer, Cannibal Holocaust, Experimental Camp for example.
Also interested in music and music magazines and their cover art. 
Used to record music on cassette tapes then draw and make album covers from magazine cuttings 

inspired by koyaansqatsi - film, recordings of cityscapes and members of public within the city. Trilogy series. no narrative, no words, just clips from everyday life in cities.

Visual Drone and Resolve: 
Stockholm Music and arts festival - August 2014 
7 Screen video piece 
got musician to play 7 different droning sounds 

Damien Hirsts’ ‘The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of a Someone Living’ 1991 - Couldn’t relate to the work, production costs were expensive - off putting etc.

final show at university - drilled through a Vogue Magazine. wanted to use something graphic, something that would stand out. 
First solo show came from his final piece. made 30 pieces from vogue and other fashion magazines, burning into the front covers, drilling screws into them, sticking hair to them, sticking vacuum waste to them. 
Made first publication from these works called ‘Everything from Vogue’ Solidified the work in the book and brought an end to the series. was creating other work at the time. 
wanted to make a video but didn't have the knowledge on how to. 

made a video piece called 1500 images of Kate Moss in 60 Seconds. played at 30 frames per second. Kate Moss still remains omnipresent. 

Moved away from fashion and started making front covers of album art. 
scratched song lyrics into vinyl records. used an etching scribe to scratch into the records. About owing the objects and things, personalising items. Liked the shift from buying them from a mass market then making his mark on them and them become precious, or one of a kind. also interested in the economy of this. 

Bench. recreated a bench outside kurt cobaines house. people write messages to cobaine on the wood of the bench like a memorial as he was cremated so no grave. 

Jim Morrissons grave in France, person made a crude bust of morrison which stood for 6  years which people defaced. eventually stolen. Grave now protected. Interested in the power these celebrities have over these people for them to come and write. 

redraws suicide note of elliot - famously left his note on post it note on a mirror. 
Recreated a rock that bob marley used to rest his head on while he smoked. people visit the rock much like the bench previously mentioned. 
recreates celebrity shrines… detail is about making them look old and weathered, finding the right and appropriate objects to add to them. 

made a series of fan - drawings…redrawn fan drawings he has found online. 
Frida Khalo’s Last diary entry.

ink drawings featuring lines repeated over and over again, interested in when they start to wobble and deconstruct. 
Started creating text pieces. wrote out every album and song he has in his iTunes. did a similar piece but writing down every human emotion. 

Are you a fan? do you have an obsession with celebrities? 
Only in the same way that a painter has the same obsession with painting or painting a certain theme. 


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